Why on Earth Would You Want a Quicker Promotion?


Hey guys!

I've been doing a lot of reading lately (it's kind of my thing), and have been noticing just how many people seem so incredibly impatient in regards to obtaining a new belt rank.

It got me wondering - why on earth would you want a quicker promotion?

BJJ takes an enormously long time to learn, and the time between promotions reflects this, aided by the lack of coloured belts we use. This places an enormous amount of value on the strip of cloth tied around your waist.

Why else are our ranks so important? 
 For most, they're a symbol of your progress within the art, and this is how they should be viewed - they show that you've achieved a certain level of understanding and ability.
There is a negative to this however, when a belt is viewed only as a symbol of higher status. Sure, your belt means a lot. However, being tapped out by a person of a lower rank than you should not be a shameful experience - rather, it makes for another opportunity to learn, as every roll should be. This mindset is indicative of an egotistical approach. It is not jiu jitsu.

We should want a promotion because we want to develop our skills enough to earn it, not because we want a new rank to intimidate the white belts.

If you earn it quickly, great! I mean, look at the majestic, bearded soul that is Kit Dale - he was lightning fast!

If you earn it slowly, also great! You've still earned it, if you're at a legit academy.

The pace shouldn't be your concern, and neither should tying a new belt around your waist - it should simply be an affirmation that you have progressed significantly within the art.

As for being worried about whether your professor is holding you back just for competition glory? Don't be. Unless you've been winning gold for five years straight, you've probably got nothing to worry about.

Bottom line?
A good professor will know when you are ready. The more time, sweat and energy you put into earning your rank, the more it'll be worth (to you).

Belt farms make for dodgy agriculture.
- George

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